Source code for cnxdb.init.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import logging
import sys
import warnings

import psycopg2

from . import exceptions
from .manifest import get_schema

here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
SCHEMA_DIR = os.path.join(here, '..', 'schema')

logger = logging.getLogger('cnxdb')

  IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relname='modules') THEN
    RAISE EXCEPTION USING MESSAGE = 'Database schema is initialized.';

def _has_schema(cursor):
    """Checks for the existence of the database schema.
    Returns a boolean to indicate if the database schema exists or not.

    except psycopg2.InternalError as exc:
        if 'Database schema is initialized.' in exc.args[0]:
            return True
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return False
        return False

[docs]def init_db(engine, as_venv_importable=False): """Initialize the database schema, including tables, functions and triggers. :param engine: The database connection engine :type engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine :param bool as_venv_importable: Flag to trigger the use of :func:`init_venv` from this function :return: None """ conn = engine.raw_connection() with conn.cursor() as cursor: if _has_schema(cursor): raise exceptions.DBSchemaInitialized() for schema_part in get_schema(SCHEMA_DIR): cursor.execute(schema_part) conn.commit() conn.close() if as_venv_importable: init_venv(engine)
ACTIVATE_VENV_SQL_FUNCTION = """\ CREATE FUNCTION venv.activate_venv() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $_$ import sys import os import site old_os_path = os.environ.get('PATH','') os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('{activate_path}')) \ + os.pathsep + old_os_path base = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('{activate_path}'))) site_packages = os.path.join(base, 'lib', 'python{sys_version}', \ 'site-packages') prev_sys_path = list(sys.path) site.addsitedir(site_packages) sys.real_prefix = sys.prefix sys.prefix = base # Move the added items to the front of the path: new_sys_path = [] for item in list(sys.path): if item not in prev_sys_path: new_sys_path.append(item) sys.path.remove(item) sys.path[:0] = new_sys_path $_$""" def _is_localhost_connection(db_connection): """Given a database connection, check this is a connection to localhost. """ # If you are connecting to a database that is not localhost, # don't initalize with virtualenv db_dict = dict(p.split('=') for p in db_connection.dsn.split()) return db_dict.get('host', 'localhost') != 'localhost'
[docs]def init_venv(engine): """Sets up the database's plpython environment for use with a python virtual environment (aka venv). This function can only be run on the same system as the database or on a system with an identical path to a compatible python venv. The results of this is that plpythonu interpreters will execute with the contents of the venv's site-packages available for use rather than use the default system python environment only. :param engine: The database connection engine :type engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine :return: None """ # If virtualenv is active, use that for postgres if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): # attr is only present within a venv activate_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(sys.prefix), 'bin/') else: # pragma: no cover return conn = engine.raw_connection() if _is_localhost_connection(conn): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn("An attempt to use ``init_venv`` was made, " "but not on the same host as the postgres service.") with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT current_database();") db_name = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("SELECT schema_name " "FROM information_schema.schemata " "WHERE schema_name = 'venv';") try: # Does the schema already exist? cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: cursor.execute("CREATE SCHEMA venv") try: cursor.execute("SAVEPOINT session_preload") cursor.execute("LOAD ''") cursor.execute("ALTER DATABASE \"{}\" SET " "session_preload_libraries =" "'session_exec'".format(db_name)) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: # pragma: no cover if e.message.startswith( 'unrecognized configuration parameter'): cursor.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT " "session_preload") logger.warning("Postgresql < 9.4: make sure " "to set " "'local_preload_libraries " "= session_exec' in " "postgresql.conf and restart") else: # pragma: no cover raise except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: # pragma: no cover if 'could not access file "session_exec' in e.message: cursor.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT " "session_preload") logger.error("session_exec not found") raise cursor.execute("ALTER DATABASE \"{}\" " "SET session_exec.login_name = " "'venv.activate_venv'" .format(db_name)) sql = ACTIVATE_VENV_SQL_FUNCTION.format( activate_path=activate_path, sys_version=sys.version[:3]) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() conn.close()
__all__ = ( 'init_db', 'init_venv', )