Source code for cnxdb.contrib.testing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
These are functions that are useful in testing. They deal with testing
configuration discovery, setting defaults, and inspect the environment.

import os
import sys

__all__ = (

_DEFAULT_DB_URL = 'postgresql://tester:tester@localhost:5432/testing'

[docs]def get_settings(): """Lookup database connection settings. This provides similar results to that of :func:`cnxdb.config.discover_settings`. :return: A dictionary of settings :rtype: dict """ common_url = os.environ.get('DB_URL', _DEFAULT_DB_URL) super_url = os.environ.get('DB_SUPER_URL', common_url) settings = { 'db.common.url': common_url, 'db.readonly.url': common_url, 'db.super.url': super_url, } return settings
[docs]def is_venv(): """Tells whether the application is running within a virtualenv (aka venv). :rtype: bool """ return hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix')
[docs]def is_venv_importable(): """Determines whether the tests should be run with virtualenv (aka venv) database import features enabled. By default this will be true if the process is running within a venv. This can be overridden by setting the `AS_VENV_IMPORTABLE` environment variable to anything other than the string 'true'. :return: enable venv features :rtype: bool """ x = os.environ.get('AS_VENV_IMPORTABLE', 'true') == 'true' return is_venv() and x
[docs]def is_py3(): """Returns a boolean value if running under python3.x :rtype: bool """ return sys.version_info > (3,)