Source code for cnxdb.contrib.pytest

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
These are shared pytest fixtures used by this library's test suite,
but also made available to packages using this library.
For more information on how pytest fixtures work, look at the
`pytest fixtures documentation

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os

import psycopg2
import pytest
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector

from .testing import (

[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='session') def db_settings(): """Returns database connection settings. These settings are provided in a similar format to that of `cnxdb.config.discover_settings`. """ return get_settings()
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='session') def db_engines(db_settings): """Returns a dictionary of database engine values. These are similar to the format used in `cnxdb.scripting.prepare`. """ engines = { 'common': create_engine(db_settings['db.common.url']), 'super': create_engine(db_settings['db.super.url']), } return engines
[docs]@pytest.fixture def db_env_vars(mocker, db_settings): """Sets the environment variables used by this project""" env_vars = { 'DB_URL': db_settings['db.common.url'], 'DB_SUPER_URL': db_settings['db.super.url'], } mocker.patch.dict(os.environ, env_vars) yield env_vars pass
def _wipe_db(db_engine): """Removes the schema from the database""" conn = db_engine.raw_connection() with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; " "CREATE SCHEMA public") cursor.execute("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS venv CASCADE") cursor.connection.commit() conn.close()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def db_wipe(db_engines, request): """Cleans up the database after a test run""" inspector = Inspector.from_engine(db_engines['common']) tables = inspector.get_table_names() # Assume that if db_wipe is used it means we want to start fresh as well. if 'modules' in tables: _wipe_db(db_engines['super']) def finalize(): _wipe_db(db_engines['super']) request.addfinalizer(finalize)
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def db_wipe_module_scope(db_engines, request): """Cleans up the database after a test run""" return db_wipe(db_engines, request)
def _db_init(db_engines): """Initializes the database""" from cnxdb.init.main import init_db init_db(db_engines['super'], is_venv_importable()) if is_venv_importable(): # We need to recreate the connection pool after initializing venv # because all the existing connections wouldn't have venv set up for engine in db_engines.values(): engine.dispose()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def db_init(db_engines): """Initializes the database""" _db_init(db_engines)
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def db_init_module_scope(db_engines): """Initializes the database""" _db_init(db_engines)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def db_init_and_wipe(db_wipe, db_init): """Combination of the initialization and wiping procedures.""" # The argument order, 'wipe' then 'init' is important, because # db_wipe assumes you want to start with a clean database. pass
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def db_init_and_wipe_module_scope(db_wipe_module_scope, db_init_module_scope): """Combination of the initialization and wiping procedures.""" # The argument order, 'wipe' then 'init' is important, because # db_wipe assumes you want to start with a clean database. pass
[docs]@pytest.fixture def db_cursor_without_db_init(db_engines): """Creates a database connection and cursor""" conn = db_engines['common'].raw_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() yield cursor cursor.close() conn.close()
# Used to flag whether tests have been run before _db_cursor__first_run = True def _maybe_init_database(db_engines): """Initializes the database if it isn't already initialized""" global _db_cursor__first_run inspector = Inspector.from_engine(db_engines['common']) tables = inspector.get_table_names() # Use the database if it exists, otherwise initialize it if _db_cursor__first_run: _wipe_db(db_engines['super']) _db_init(db_engines) _db_cursor__first_run = False # Dispose of any attempted connections that may not be venv # initialized, which would not have the necessary imports. for eng in db_engines.values(): eng.dispose() elif 'modules' not in tables: _db_init(db_engines)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def db_cursor(db_engines): """Creates a database connection and cursor""" _maybe_init_database(db_engines) # Create a new connection to activate the virtual environment # as it would normally be used. conn = db_engines['common'].raw_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() yield cursor cursor.close() conn.close()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def db_dict_cursor(db_engines, db_settings): """Creates a database connection and cursor that outputs a dict""" _maybe_init_database(db_engines) # Create a new connection to activate the virtual environment # as it would normally be used. # FIXME use db_engines instead of psycopg2 conn = psycopg2.connect(db_settings['db.common.url']) cursor = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor) yield cursor cursor.close() conn.close()
def db_tables(db_engines): from .pyramid import _Tables tables = _Tables() tables.metadata.reflect(bind=db_engines['common']) return tables
[docs]@pytest.fixture(name='db_tables') def db_tables_fixture(db_engines): """Provides access to sqlalchemy table objects""" return db_tables(db_engines)
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def db_tables_module_scope(db_engines): """Provides access to sqlalchemy table objects""" return db_tables(db_engines)