Source code for cnxdb.contrib.pyramid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
When used in conjunction with the `Pyramid Web Framework
this module will setup the cnx-db library within the Pyramid application.

For usage examples, see :ref:`pyramid_usage`

from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from zope.interface import Interface

from cnxdb.scripting import prepare

__all__ = ('includeme', 'meta',)

meta = MetaData()

class _Tables(object):

    metadata = None

    def __init__(self, metadata=meta):
        self.metadata = metadata

    def __getattr__(self, name):
            return self.metadata.tables[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(name)

class IEngine(Interface):
    """A SQLAlchemy Engine"""

class ITables(Interface):
    """Object with attribute access to SQLAlchemy defined tables.
    Each attribute maps to the name of the database table.


def get_db_engine(request, name='common'):
    return request.registry.getUtility(IEngine, name=name)

def db_tables(request):
    return request.registry.getUtility(ITables)

[docs]def includeme(config): """Used by pyramid to include this package. This sets up a dictionary of engines for use and the a ``tables`` object containing the defined database tables as sqlalchemy ``Table`` objects. They can be retrieved via the registry at ``registry.engines`` and ``registry.tables``. """ env = prepare(config.registry.settings) engines = env['engines'] # Initialize the tables on the registry tables = _Tables() tables.metadata.reflect(bind=engines['common']) config.registry.registerUtility(tables, ITables) # Register engine utilities for name, engine in engines.items(): config.registry.registerUtility(engine, IEngine, name=name) # ... and register the 'common' engine as an unnamed utility config.registry.registerUtility(engines['common'], IEngine) # Create request methods config.add_request_method(get_db_engine) config.add_request_method(db_tables, reify=True)