Source code for cnxarchive.database

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ###
# Copyright (c) 2013, Rice University
# This software is subject to the provisions of the GNU Affero General
# Public License version 3 (AGPLv3).
# See LICENCE.txt for details.
# ###
"""Database models and utilities."""
import contextlib
import os
import json
import psycopg2
import logging

import cnxdb
from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry
from cnxtransforms import (

from . import config
from .utils import split_ident_hash, IdentHashMissingVersion

here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
CNXDB_DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(cnxdb.__file__))
SQL_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(CNXDB_DIRECTORY, 'archive-sql')

logger = logging.getLogger('cnxarchive')

class ContentNotFound(Exception):
    """Used when database retrival fails."""


def _read_sql_file(name):
    path = os.path.join(SQL_DIRECTORY, '{}.sql'.format(name))
    with open(path, 'r') as fp:

SQL = {
    'get-available-languages-and-count': _read_sql_file(
    'get-module': _read_sql_file('get-module'),
    'get-content-from-legacy-id': _read_sql_file('get-content-from-legacy-id'),
    'get-content-from-legacy-id-ver': _read_sql_file(
    'get-module-metadata': _read_sql_file('get-module-metadata'),
    'get-resource': _read_sql_file('get-resource'),
    'get-resource-by-filename': _read_sql_file('get-resource-by-filename'),
    'get-resourceid-by-filename': _read_sql_file('get-resourceid-by-filename'),
    'get-tree-by-uuid-n-version': _read_sql_file('get-tree-by-uuid-n-version'),
    'get-module-latest-version': _read_sql_file('get-module-latest-version'),
    'get-module-head-version': _read_sql_file('get-module-head-version'),
    'get-module-versions': _read_sql_file('get-module-versions'),
    'get-module-uuid': _read_sql_file('get-module-uuid'),
    'get-subject-list': _read_sql_file('get-subject-list'),
    'get-featured-links': _read_sql_file('get-featured-links'),
    'get-users-by-ids': _read_sql_file('get-users-by-ids'),
    'get-service-state-messages': _read_sql_file('get-service-state-messages'),
    'get-license-info-as-json': _read_sql_file('get-license-info-as-json'),
    'get-in-book-search': _read_sql_file('get-in-book-search'),
    'get-in-book-search-full-page': _read_sql_file(
    'get-in-collated-book-search': _read_sql_file(
    'get-in-collated-book-search-full-page': _read_sql_file(
    'get-collated-content': _read_sql_file('get-collated-content'),
    'get-collated-state': _read_sql_file('get-collated-state'),
    'get-core-info': _read_sql_file('get-core-info'),
    'get-book-core-info': _read_sql_file('get-book-core-info'),
    'query-module_files-by-xpath': _read_sql_file(
    'query-collated_file_associations-by-xpath': _read_sql_file(
    'get-books-containing-page': _read_sql_file('get-books-containing-page'),
    'get-book-latest-version-with-page': _read_sql_file(

def db_connect(connection_string=None):
    """Function to supply a database connection object."""
    if connection_string is None:
        settings = get_current_registry().settings
        connection_string = settings[config.CONNECTION_STRING]
    db_conn = psycopg2.connect(connection_string)
        with db_conn:
            yield db_conn

def get_module_ident_from_ident_hash(ident_hash, cursor):
    """Return the moduleid for a given ``ident_hash``."""
        uuid, (mj_ver, mn_ver) = split_ident_hash(
            ident_hash, split_version=True)
    except IdentHashMissingVersion as e:
        uuid, mj_ver, mn_ver =, None, None
    args = [uuid]
    stmt = "SELECT module_ident FROM {} WHERE uuid = %s"
    table_name = 'modules'
    if mj_ver is None:
        table_name = 'latest_modules'
        stmt += " AND major_version = %s"
    if mn_ver is not None:
        stmt += " AND minor_version = %s"
    stmt = stmt.format(table_name)

    cursor.execute(stmt, args)
        module_ident = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    except TypeError:  # NoneType
        module_ident = None
    return module_ident

def get_tree(ident_hash, cursor, as_collated=False):
    """Return a JSON representation of the binder tree for ``ident_hash``."""
    uuid, version = split_ident_hash(ident_hash)
                   (uuid, version, as_collated,))
        tree = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    except TypeError:  # NoneType
        raise ContentNotFound()
    if type(tree) in (type(''), type(u'')):
        return json.loads(tree)
        return tree

def get_collated_content(ident_hash, context_ident_hash, cursor):
    """Return collated content for ``ident_hash``."""
                   (ident_hash, context_ident_hash,))
        return cursor.fetchone()[0]
    except TypeError:  # NoneType

def get_module_uuid(plpy, moduleid):
    """Retrieve page uuid from legacy moduleid."""
    plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT uuid FROM modules WHERE moduleid = $1;",
    result = plpy.execute(plan, (moduleid,), 1)
    if result:
        return result[0]['uuid']

def get_current_module_ident(moduleid, plpy):
    """Retrieve module_ident for a given moduleid.

    Note that module_ident is used only for internal database relational
    associations, and is equivalent to a uuid@version for a given document.
    plan = plpy.prepare('''\
        SELECT m.module_ident FROM modules m
        WHERE m.moduleid = $1 ORDER BY revised DESC''', ('text',))
    results = plpy.execute(plan, (moduleid,), 1)
    if results:
        return results[0]['module_ident']

def get_minor_version(module_ident, plpy):
    """Retrieve minor version only given module_ident."""
    # Make sure to always return the max minor version that is already in the
    # database, in case the given module_ident is not the latest version
    plan = plpy.prepare('''\
        WITH t AS (
            SELECT uuid, major_version
                FROM modules
                WHERE module_ident = $1
        SELECT MAX(m.minor_version) AS minor_version
            FROM modules m, t
            WHERE m.uuid = t.uuid AND m.major_version = t.major_version
        ''', ('integer',))
    results = plpy.execute(plan, (module_ident,), 1)
    return results[0]['minor_version']

def next_version(module_ident, plpy):
    """Determine next minor version for a given module_ident.

    Note potential race condition!
    minor = get_minor_version(module_ident, plpy)
    return minor + 1

def get_collections(module_ident, plpy):
    """Get all the collections that the module is part of."""
    # Make sure to only return one match per collection and only if it is the
    # latest collection (which may not be the same as what is in
    # latest_modules)
    plan = plpy.prepare('''
WITH RECURSIVE t(node, parent, path, document) AS (
        SELECT tr.nodeid, tr.parent_id, ARRAY[tr.nodeid], tr.documentid
        FROM trees tr
        WHERE tr.documentid = $1 and tr.is_collated = 'False'
        SELECT c.nodeid, c.parent_id, path || ARRAY[c.nodeid], c.documentid
        FROM trees c JOIN t ON (c.nodeid = t.parent)
        WHERE not c.nodeid = ANY(t.path)
    latest(module_ident) AS (
    SELECT module_ident FROM (
        SELECT m.module_ident, m.revised,
            MAX(m.revised) OVER (PARTITION BY m.uuid) as latest
        FROM  modules m where m.portal_type = 'Collection'
    ) r
    WHERE r.revised = r.latest
    SELECT module_ident FROM t, latest
        WHERE latest.module_ident = t.document
    ''', ('integer',))
    for i in plpy.execute(plan, (module_ident,)):
        yield i['module_ident']

def get_subcols(module_ident, plpy):
    """Get all the sub-collections that the module is part of."""
    plan = plpy.prepare('''
    WITH RECURSIVE t(node, parent, path, document) AS (
        SELECT tr.nodeid, tr.parent_id, ARRAY[tr.nodeid], tr.documentid
        FROM trees tr
        WHERE tr.documentid = $1 and tr.is_collated = 'False'
        SELECT c.nodeid, c.parent_id, path || ARRAY[c.nodeid], c.documentid
        FROM trees c JOIN t ON (c.nodeid = t.parent)
        WHERE not c.nodeid = ANY(t.path)
    SELECT DISTINCT m.module_ident
    FROM t JOIN modules m ON (t.document = m.module_ident)
    WHERE m.portal_type  = 'SubCollection'
    ORDER BY m.module_ident
    ''', ('integer',))
    for i in plpy.execute(plan, (module_ident,)):
        yield i['module_ident']

def rebuild_collection_tree(old_collection_ident, new_document_id_map, plpy):
    """Create a new tree for the collection based on the old tree.

    This uses new document ids, replacing old ones.
    get_tree = plpy.prepare('''
    WITH RECURSIVE t(node, parent, document, title, childorder, latest, path)
        AS (SELECT tr.nodeid, tr.parent_id, tr.documentid, tr.title,
                   tr.childorder, tr.latest, ARRAY[tr.nodeid]
            FROM trees tr
            WHERE tr.documentid = $1 AND tr.is_collated = 'False'
        SELECT c.nodeid, c.parent_id, c.documentid, c.title,
               c.childorder, c.latest, path || ARRAY[c.nodeid]
        FROM trees c JOIN t ON (c.parent_id = t.node)
        WHERE not c.nodeid = ANY(t.path)
    ''', ('integer',))

    def get_old_tree():
        return plpy.execute(get_tree, (old_collection_ident,))

    tree = {}  # { old_nodeid: {'data': ...}, ...}
    children = {}  # { nodeid: [child_nodeid, ...], child_nodeid: [...]}
    for i in get_old_tree():
        tree[i['node']] = {'data': i, 'new_nodeid': None}
        children.setdefault(i['parent'], [])

    insert_tree = plpy.prepare('''
    INSERT INTO trees (nodeid, parent_id, documentid,
        title, childorder, latest)
    VALUES (DEFAULT, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
    RETURNING nodeid
    ''', ('integer', 'integer', 'text', 'integer', 'boolean'))

    def execute(fields):
        results = plpy.execute(insert_tree, fields, 1)
        return results[0]['nodeid']

    root_node = children[None][0]

    def build_tree(node, parent):
        data = tree[node]['data']
        new_node = execute([parent, new_document_id_map.get(data['document'],
                            data['document']), data['title'],
                            data['childorder'], data['latest']])
        for i in children.get(node, []):
            build_tree(i, new_node)
    build_tree(root_node, None)

def republish_collection(submitter, submitlog, next_minor_version,
                         collection_ident, plpy, revised=None):
    """Insert a new row for collection_ident with a new version.

    Returns the module_ident of the row inserted.
    sql = '''
    INSERT INTO modules (portal_type, moduleid, uuid, version, name, created,
        revised, abstractid, licenseid, doctype, submitter, submitlog,
        stateid, parent, language, authors, maintainers, licensors,
        parentauthors, google_analytics, buylink, print_style,
        major_version, minor_version)
      SELECT m.portal_type, m.moduleid, m.uuid, m.version,, m.created,
        {}, m.abstractid, m.licenseid, m.doctype, $3, $4,
        m.stateid, m.parent, m.language, m.authors, m.maintainers, m.licensors,
        m.parentauthors, m.google_analytics, m.buylink, m.print_style,
        m.major_version, $1
      FROM modules m
      WHERE m.module_ident = $2
    RETURNING module_ident
    if revised is None:
        sql = sql.format('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')
        types = ('integer', 'integer', 'text', 'text')
        params = (next_minor_version, collection_ident, submitter, submitlog)
        sql = sql.format('$5')
        types = ('integer', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'timestamp')
        params = (next_minor_version, collection_ident, submitter, submitlog,
    plan = plpy.prepare(sql, types)
    new_ident = plpy.execute(plan, params, 1)[0]['module_ident']

    plan = plpy.prepare("""\
        INSERT INTO modulekeywords (module_ident, keywordid)
        SELECT $1, keywordid
        FROM modulekeywords
        WHERE module_ident = $2""", ('integer', 'integer'))
    plpy.execute(plan, (new_ident, collection_ident,))

    plan = plpy.prepare("""\
        INSERT INTO moduletags (module_ident, tagid)
        SELECT $1, tagid
        FROM moduletags
        WHERE module_ident = $2""", ('integer', 'integer'))
    plpy.execute(plan, (new_ident, collection_ident,))

    plan = plpy.prepare("""\
        INSERT INTO module_files (module_ident, fileid, filename)
        SELECT $1, fileid, filename
        FROM module_files
        WHERE module_ident = $2 and filename != 'collection.xml'""",
                        ('integer', 'integer'))
    plpy.execute(plan, (new_ident, collection_ident,))
    return new_ident

def set_version(portal_type, legacy_version, td):
    """Set the major_version and minor_version if they are not set."""
    modified = 'OK'
    legacy_major, legacy_minor = legacy_version.split('.')

    if portal_type == 'Collection':
        # For collections, both major and minor needs to be set
        modified = 'MODIFY'
        td['new']['major_version'] = int(legacy_minor)
        if td['new']['minor_version'] is None:
            td['new']['minor_version'] = 1

    elif portal_type == 'Module':
        # For modules, major should be set and minor should be None
        # N.B. a very few older modules had major=2 and minor zero-based.
        # The odd math below adds one to the minor for those
        modified = 'MODIFY'
        td['new']['major_version'] = int(legacy_minor)+(int(legacy_major)-1)
        td['new']['minor_version'] = None

    return modified

def republish_module(td, plpy):
    """When a module is republished, create new minor versions of collections.

    All collections (including subcollections) that this module is contained
    in part of will need to be updated (a minor update).

    e.g. there is a collection c1 v2.1, which contains a chapter sc1 v2.1,
    which contains a module m1 v3. When m1 is updated, we will have a new row
    in the modules table with m1 v4.

    This trigger will create increment the minor versions of c1 and sc1, so
    we'll have c1 v2.2, and sc1 v2.2. However, another chapter sc2 will stay
    at v2.1.

    We need to create a collection tree for c1 v2.2 which is exactly the same
    as c1 v2.1, but with m1 v4 instead of m1 v3, and sc1 v2.2 and c1 v2.2
    instead of sc1 2.1 and c1 v2.1
    portal_type = td['new']['portal_type']
    modified = 'OK'
    moduleid = td['new']['moduleid']
    legacy_version = td['new']['version']
    submitter = td['new']['submitter']
    submitlog = td['new']['submitlog']

    modified = set_version(portal_type, legacy_version, td)

    current_module_ident = get_current_module_ident(moduleid, plpy)
    if current_module_ident:
        # need to overide autogen uuid to keep it constant per moduleid
        uuid = get_module_uuid(plpy, moduleid)
        td['new']['uuid'] = uuid
        modified = 'MODIFY'
        # nothing to do if the module/collection is new
        return modified

    if portal_type != 'Module':
        # nothing else to do if something else is being published
        return modified

    # Module is republished
    replace_map = {current_module_ident: td['new']['module_ident']}
    # find the nested subcollections the module is in, and
    # republish them, as well, adding to map, for all collections
    # Note that map is for all subcollections, regardless of what
    # collection they are contained in.
    for sub_id in get_subcols(current_module_ident, plpy):
        minor = next_version(sub_id, plpy)
        new_subcol_ident = republish_collection(submitter, submitlog,
                                                minor, sub_id, plpy)
        replace_map[sub_id] = new_subcol_ident

    # Now do each collection that contains this module
    for collection_id in get_collections(current_module_ident, plpy):
        minor = next_version(collection_id, plpy)
        new_ident = republish_collection(submitter, submitlog, minor,
                                         collection_id, plpy)
        replace_map[collection_id] = new_ident
        rebuild_collection_tree(collection_id, replace_map, plpy)

    return modified

[docs]def republish_module_trigger(plpy, td): """Trigger called from postgres database when republishing a module. When a module is republished, the versions of the collections that it is part of will need to be updated (a minor update). e.g. there is a collection c1 v2.1, which contains module m1 v3 m1 is updated, we have a new row in the modules table with m1 v4 this trigger will create increment the minor version of c1, so we'll have c1 v2.2 we need to create a collection tree for c1 v2.2 which is exactly the same as c1 v2.1, but with m1 v4 instead of m1 v3, and c1 v2.2 instead of c1 v2.2 """ # Is this an insert from legacy? Legacy always supplies the version. is_legacy_publication = td['new']['version'] is not None if not is_legacy_publication: # Bail out, because this trigger only applies to legacy publications. return "OK" plpy.log('Trigger fired on %s' % (td['new']['moduleid'],)) modified = republish_module(td, plpy) plpy.log('modified: {}'.format(modified)) plpy.log('insert values:\n{}\n'.format('\n'.join([ '{}: {}'.format(key, value) for key, value in td['new'].items()]))) return modified
[docs]def assign_moduleid_default_trigger(plpy, td): """Trigger to fill in legacy ``moduleid`` when publishing. This correctly assigns ``moduleid`` value to cnx-publishing publications. This does NOT include matching the ``moduleid`` to previous revision by way of ``uuid``. This correctly updates the sequence values when a legacy publication specifies the ``moduleid`` value. This is because legacy does not know about nor use the sequence values when setting legacy ``moduleid``. """ modified_state = "OK" portal_type = td['new']['portal_type'] uuid = td['new']['uuid'] moduleid = td['new']['moduleid'] version = td['new']['version'] # Is this an insert from legacy? Legacy always supplies the version. is_legacy_publication = version is not None if moduleid is None: # If the moduleid is not supplied, it is a new publication. if portal_type in ("Collection", "SubCollection"): prefix, sequence_name = 'col', "collectionid_seq" else: prefix, sequence_name = 'm', "moduleid_seq" plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT $1 || nextval($2)::text AS moduleid", ['text', 'text']) row = plpy.execute(plan, (prefix, sequence_name,), 1) moduleid = row[0]['moduleid'] modified_state = "MODIFY" td['new']['moduleid'] = moduleid elif is_legacy_publication and moduleid is not None: # Set the sequence value based on what legacy gave us. plan = plpy.prepare("""\ SELECT setval($1, max(substr(moduleid, $2)::int)) FROM ( SELECT moduleid from modules where portal_type in ($3,$4) UNION ALL SELECT $4) AS all_together""", ['text', 'int', 'text', 'text']) args = [] if portal_type == 'Collection': args.append('collectionid_seq') args.append(4) args.extend(('Collection', 'SubCollection')) elif portal_type == 'Module': args.append('moduleid_seq') args.append(2) args.extend(('Module', 'CompositeModule')) args.append(moduleid) if len(args) == 4: plpy.execute(plan, args) plpy.log("Fixed identifier and version for publication at '{}' " "with the following values: {} and {}" .format(uuid, moduleid, version)) return modified_state
[docs]def assign_version_default_trigger(plpy, td): """Trigger to fill in legacy data fields. A compatibilty trigger to fill in legacy data fields that are not populated when inserting publications from cnx-publishing. If this is not a legacy publication the ``version`` will be set based on the ``major_version`` value. """ modified_state = "OK" portal_type = td['new']['portal_type'] version = td['new']['version'] minor_version = td['new']['minor_version'] # Set the minor version on collections, because by default it is # None/Null, which is the correct default for modules. if minor_version is None and portal_type in ('Collection', 'SubCollection'): modified_state = "MODIFY" td['new']['minor_version'] = 1 # Set the legacy version field based on the major version. if version is None: major_version = td['new']['major_version'] version = "1.{}".format(major_version) modified_state = "MODIFY" td['new']['version'] = version return modified_state
[docs]def assign_document_controls_default_trigger(plpy, td): """Trigger to fill in document_controls when legacy publishes. A compatibilty trigger to fill in ``uuid`` and ``licenseid`` columns of the ``document_controls`` table that are not populated when inserting publications from legacy. This uuid default is not on ``modules.uuid`` column itself, because the value needs to be loosely associated with the ``document_controls`` entry to prevent uuid collisions and bridge the pending publications gap. """ modified_state = "OK" uuid = td['new']['uuid'] # Only do the procedure if this is a legacy publication. if uuid is None: modified_state = "MODIFY" plan = plpy.prepare("""\ INSERT INTO document_controls (uuid, licenseid) VALUES (DEFAULT, $1) RETURNING uuid""", ('integer',)) uuid_ = plpy.execute(plan, (td['new']['licenseid'],))[0]['uuid'] td['new']['uuid'] = uuid_ return modified_state
[docs]def upsert_document_acl_trigger(plpy, td): """Trigger for filling in acls when legacy publishes. A compatibility trigger to upsert authorization control entries (ACEs) for legacy publications. """ modified_state = "OK" uuid_ = td['new']['uuid'] authors = td['new']['authors'] and td['new']['authors'] or [] maintainers = td['new']['maintainers'] and td['new']['maintainers'] or [] is_legacy_publication = td['new']['version'] is not None if not is_legacy_publication: return modified_state # Upsert all authors and maintainers into the ACL # to give them publish permission. permissibles = [] permissibles.extend(authors) permissibles.extend(maintainers) permissibles = set([(uid, 'publish',) for uid in permissibles]) plan = plpy.prepare("""\ SELECT user_id, permission FROM document_acl WHERE uuid = $1""", ['uuid']) existing_permissibles = set([(r['user_id'], r['permission'],) for r in plpy.execute(plan, (uuid_,))]) new_permissibles = permissibles.difference(existing_permissibles) for uid, permission in new_permissibles: plan = plpy.prepare("""\ INSERT INTO document_acl (uuid, user_id, permission) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)""", ['uuid', 'text', 'permission_type']) plpy.execute(plan, (uuid_, uid, permission,))
[docs]def upsert_users_from_legacy_publication_trigger(plpy, td): """A compatibility trigger to upsert users from legacy persons table.""" modified_state = "OK" authors = td['new']['authors'] and td['new']['authors'] or [] maintainers = td['new']['maintainers'] and td['new']['maintainers'] or [] licensors = td['new']['licensors'] and td['new']['licensors'] or [] is_legacy_publication = td['new']['version'] is not None if not is_legacy_publication: return modified_state # Upsert all roles into the users table. users = [] users.extend(authors) users.extend(maintainers) users.extend(licensors) users = list(set(users)) plan = plpy.prepare("""\ SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = any($1)""", ['text[]']) existing_users = set([r['username'] for r in plpy.execute(plan, (users,))]) new_users = set(users).difference(existing_users) for username in new_users: plan = plpy.prepare("""\ INSERT INTO users (username, first_name, last_name, full_name, title) SELECT personid, firstname, surname, fullname, honorific FROM persons where personid = $1""", ['text']) plpy.execute(plan, (username,)) return modified_state
[docs]def insert_users_for_optional_roles_trigger(plpy, td): """Trigger to update users from optional roles entries. A compatibility trigger to insert users from moduleoptionalroles records. This is primarily for legacy compatibility, but it is not possible to tell whether the entry came from legacy or cnx-publishing. Therefore, we only insert into users. """ modified_state = "OK" users = td['new']['personids'] and td['new']['personids'] or [] plan = plpy.prepare("""\ SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = any($1)""", ['text[]']) existing_users = set([r['username'] for r in plpy.execute(plan, (users,))]) new_users = set(users).difference(existing_users) for username in new_users: plan = plpy.prepare("""\ INSERT INTO users (username, first_name, last_name, full_name, title) SELECT personid, firstname, surname, fullname, honorific FROM persons where personid = $1""", ['text']) plpy.execute(plan, (username,)) return modified_state
[docs]def add_module_file(plpy, td): """Database trigger for adding a module file. When a legacy ``index.cnxml`` is added, this trigger transforms it into html and stores it as ``index.cnxml.html``. When a cnx-publishing ``index.cnxml.html`` is added, this trigger checks if ``index.html.cnxml`` exists before transforming it into cnxml and stores it as ``index.html.cnxml``. Note, we do not use ``index.html`` over ``index.cnxml.html``, because legacy allows users to name files ``index.html``. """ module_ident = td['new']['module_ident'] filename = td['new']['filename'] msg = "produce {}->{} for module_ident = {}" def check_for(filenames, module_ident): """Find filenames associated with module_ident. Check for a file at ``filename`` associated with module at ``module_ident``. """ stmt = plpy.prepare("""\ SELECT TRUE AS exists FROM module_files WHERE filename = $1 AND module_ident = $2""", ['text', 'integer']) any_exist = False for filename in filenames: result = plpy.execute(stmt, [filename, module_ident]) try: exists = result[0]['exists'] except IndexError: exists = False any_exist = any_exist or exists return any_exist # Declare the content producer function variable, # because it is possible that it will not be assigned. producer_func = None if filename == 'index.cnxml': new_filenames = ('index.cnxml.html',) # Transform content to html. other_exists = check_for(new_filenames, module_ident) if not other_exists: msg = msg.format('cnxml', 'html', module_ident) producer_func = produce_html_for_module elif filename == 'index.cnxml.html': new_filenames = ('index.html.cnxml', 'index.cnxml',) # Transform content to cnxml. other_exists = check_for(new_filenames, module_ident) if not other_exists: msg = msg.format('html', 'cnxml', module_ident) producer_func = produce_cnxml_for_module else: # Not one of the special named files. return # skip if producer_func is not None: producer_func(plpy, module_ident, source_filename=filename, destination_filenames=new_filenames) _transform_abstract(plpy, module_ident) return
def _transform_abstract(plpy, module_ident): """Transform abstract, bi-directionally. Transforms an abstract using one of content columns ('abstract' or 'html') to determine which direction the transform will go (cnxml->html or html->cnxml). A transform is done on either one of them to make the other value. If no value is supplied, the trigger raises an error. If both values are supplied, the trigger will skip. """ plan = plpy.prepare("""\ SELECT a.abstractid, a.abstract, a.html FROM modules AS m NATURAL JOIN abstracts AS a WHERE m.module_ident = $1""", ('integer',)) result = plpy.execute(plan, (module_ident,), 1)[0] abstractid, cnxml, html = ( result['abstractid'], result['abstract'], result['html']) if cnxml is not None and html is not None: return # skip # TODO Prevent blank abstracts (abstract = null & html = null). msg = "produce {}->{} for abstractid={}" if cnxml is None: # Transform html->cnxml msg = msg.format('html', 'cnxml', abstractid) content = html column = 'abstract' transform_func = transform_abstract_to_cnxml else: # Transform cnxml->html msg = msg.format('cnxml', 'html', abstractid) content = cnxml column = 'html' transform_func = transform_abstract_to_html content, messages = transform_func(content, module_ident, plpy) plan = plpy.prepare( "UPDATE abstracts SET {} = $1 WHERE abstractid = $2".format(column), ('text', 'integer')) plpy.execute(plan, (content, abstractid,)) return msg def get_collection_tree(collection_ident, cursor): """Build and retrieve json tree representation of a book.""" cursor.execute(''' WITH RECURSIVE t(node, parent, document, path) AS ( SELECT tr.nodeid, tr.parent_id, tr.documentid, ARRAY[tr.nodeid] FROM trees tr WHERE tr.documentid = %s and tr.is_collated = 'False' UNION ALL SELECT c.nodeid, c.parent_id, c.documentid, path || ARRAY[c.nodeid] FROM trees c JOIN t ON c.parent_id = t.node WHERE NOT c.nodeid = ANY(t.path) ) SELECT t.document, m.portal_type FROM t JOIN modules m ON t.document = m.module_ident''', [collection_ident]) for i in cursor.fetchall(): yield i def get_module_can_publish(cursor, id): """Return userids allowed to publish this book.""" cursor.execute(""" SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM document_acl WHERE uuid = %s AND permission = 'publish'""", (id,)) return [i[0] for i in cursor.fetchall()]